About us

Recently at the last decade the need of life saving technologies became the one of most important treatment directions in medical care. Both the need of above issue as well as development of medical technologies placed the ground for establishment of such a Company- ELSOMED as it means Extracorporeal Live Support Organization Medical.

ELSOMED Joint Stock Company, Ltd. was registered in 2014. The Company is active in Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia).

Today ELSOMED staff consists of 4 Product and Sales Managers, Manager for Medical Engineering department, 4 Medical Engineers, Administrative Manager, Clinical consultant and General Director. All of staff members have University degree of education in the following fields: Medicine, Finance and Administration Management, Marketing and Trade management, Telecommunication and Electronics, Economy and Law. In addition, specialists have experience in Medical Practice as well. The staff is trained for sales of the medical products and is certified for their work. The staff and the Company itself are certified for the installation and maintenance of medical equipment at the time of initial warranty and throughout follow-up warranty periods.

The finance and legal aspects are followed up by International Audit Company IN SALVO.